Delegations from Rwanda and LRA
Hon. Worlea Saywah Dunah, Postmaster General of the Republic of Liberia, Hon. Prosper K. Brown, Deputy Minister for Technical Services and Hon. Cyrus Kamara, Assistant Minister for Planning and Research, met with delegations from Rwanda and LRA today.
The Postmaster General of the Republic of Liberia and deputies hold discussion with delegations from Rwanda and LRA today at the office of the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications.
The delegation visit to the Post office is aimed at Readiness Assessment for the setting up Electronic Billing Machine for the Post office.
The Postmaster General, expressed great interest and Welcomed this new development. And also highlighted the importance to have electronic billing machine at government revenue generating institution such as the Post office.
The delegation came in country by the invite of the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA).